What Chad Speaks About

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Waiting for Eli: A Father’s Journey from Fear to Faith

A husband and father chronicles his spiritual journey from fear of one’s personal limitations to self-abandonment to the divine mercy of God’s providence. The story of his spiritual progression, as he prepares for the birth of his son Eli, functions  as a profound testimony to the Gospel of Life and to the underlying truth that faith is perfected through trial and suffering. The speaker takes the universal pro-life message of the sanctity of human life and uses it to illustrate how the life of one child can sanctify the lives of the community of believers who witness to the power of prayer.

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Eli’s Reach:The Value of Human Life and the Power of Prayer

Often in life the weak are used to lead the strong. Special needs children are instruments used by God to make His work in the lives of others visible to them. A father shares the immeasurable impact his son's imperfections have had on teenage and married couples in troubled pregnancies, infertile couples longing for a child, incarcerated prisoners, and an unexpected medical emergency on Easter Weekend 2011 that led to a bonafide miracle saving Eli's life that could lead to the canonization of a saint in the Catholic Church.

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Growing with Eli: Our Journey into Life and Light

Often we are so busy being the main character in the story we are writing we forget we are only the supporting cast in the one God is. At times, we can all be instruments that make God's work and presence in the lives of others more visible to them. However, Eli does this in the life of his father and others in a unique and transforming way. Chad shares with honesty the struggles of marital life amidst a set of extraordinary circumstances as well as coming to terms with the reality that although he prayed relentlessly for God to change his situation, the situation was instrumental in allowing God to change him.

Chad Judice is an Apologist for the Catholic Faith

1 Peter 3:15 - 16

“Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence, keeping your conscience clear, so that, when you are maligned, those who defame your good conduct in Christ may themselves be put to shame.”

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Answering Atheism: Philosophical Principles of Catechesis

Many parents feel a growing gap between how they received the Catholic faith and the best way to hand it on to their children in a growing secular culture. Recent polls shared by Bishop Robert Barron at a conference of Bishops show 50% of millennial’s are leaving the Catholic Church by age 13 because they cannot reconcile the claims of Christianity with science and prefer a culture of moral relativism and self-invention. In reality, their lifestyle of unending passing pleasures reveals they are silently searching for something more. Does God exist? Can Faith and Science coexist? What does it mean to be human? Do we really have a purpose? This talk explains the scientific evidence pointing toward the existence of God, defines the dignity and integrity of every human person, and shows the necessity of moral absolutes as the foundation for everyday human experiences and behaviors.

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Loving vs. Using

There are growing numbers of young adults today who are depressed, isolated and struggling to find meaning in life. Lacking deep and authentic friendships many fail to realize that what they do doesn’t define who they are. Human persons long to be loved, have a feeling of value, desire to be part of something beyond themselves, and look for some personal gift that sets them apart from others. When these things are lacking in their lives they often seeking fleeting pleasure rather than eternal fulfillment. In doing so, they fail to see their own dignity or that of the person next to them. This mindset leads to individuals subconsciously becoming something to be used instead of someone who is loved. This talk shares a message of how authentic friendship, death and loss, and the embracing of a tailored maid cross by Christ for our unique situations are necessary to abandoning who the world claims we should be and be transformed into the person God intended us to be.  


Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

The entire credibility of Catholic Christianity hinges on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. If it happened, it validates everything Jesus said and did in his public ministry. If it didn’t, then as St. Paul says in his first letter to the Corinthians, “Then those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If for this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are the most pitiful people of all.” Enlightenment thinker David Hume proposes that if someone believes a miracle happened they are either lying about it or have been lied to. In any given situation, if a miracle is more unbelievable than the most common outcome, then the most common outcome is what happened. This talk examines the historical facts surrounding the Resurrection of Jesus Christ in order to put David Hume’s theory to the test and would certainly shock this deceased so-called enlightened philosopher.

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Chad Judice has earned certificates in Theology, Philosophy, Apologetics, Patristic Period of Church History, Medieval Period of Church History, Modern Church History, as well as Old and New Testament Studies after completing courses from the New St. Thomas Institute run by Dr. Taylor Marshall.



He is an able Catholic Apologist and instructor of systematic Theology, Christology, Theology of the Body, and Church History. He possesses certification in teaching Theology of the Body to high-school students and adults from the Archdiocese of New Orleans. Chad leads Bible studies and is a Master Catechist in the Diocese of Lafayette. He also has a certification as an Advanced Catechist from the Franciscan Catechetical Institute from Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio, as well as certifications in all four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church from the Institute of Catholic Culture.

See his diverse range of audiences and certifications below:

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"Mr. Judice spoke recently at our annual South Carolina Catholic Men’s and Women’s Conference.  Wow!  He was outstanding.  His story is a powerful and moving witness of faith and courage.  The story was well received and climaxed at close with a combination of a standing ovation and tears. Expecting this to be just another pro-life story, I was blown away with how it encompassed a Catechesis of the Catholic faith while leaving attendants with a new found inspiration and conviction to become who God created them to be." - Tom Monahon, South Carolina Catholic Men’s Director, South Carolina State Council Knights of Columbus

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"Chad Judice recently spoke at our annual Weekend for Life in Little Rock, Arkansas.  His message resonated with everyone in attendance and related in a real life way the benefit of prayer it's key role in recognizing God’s presence in our individual lives. His witness from beginning to end both grabbed and held the attention of our youthful audience who were noticeably touched and eagerly sought him out afterward for more of what he was offering. I would recommend Chad Judice for any audience.  He is energetic, sincere and a dynamic speaker."

 - Liz Tingquist, Youth and Campus Ministry, Diocese of Little Rock